Writing Exercise 4: Unpacking a Bag

This writing exercise is about building a character from a few objects. It’s also about being a sort of detective - like Sherlock Holmes.

Stage 1.
Think of five objects that you could hold in the cupped palms of both hands. They should be:
- something that can be eaten or drunk
- something that can be worn
- something that can be played with
- something that can be treasured 
- something that can be heard
Spend time describing each object, using as many of the five senses as possible.

Stage 2.
Now imagine a bag which will hold all the objects together. What is it like?
Imagine an unlikely place where you might find this bag.

Stage 3.
Become a detective. Using the bag and the objects as clues, work out what sort of person owns this bag. Describe the bag’s owner in detail.

Stage 4.
How did the bag come to be in the place where it is? How is it reunited with its owner. There’s a story to tell - so tell it, in any form you like.

When you have written the story, read it aloud. Edit it until you are happy with it. Is this a story you would like to share with someone else?


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