Writing Exercise 23: Making a Meal

Just at the moment, many people are thinking more about how to make meals. This writing exercise takes cooking as its starting point - but you don't have to be able to cook to try this writing exercise.

Stage 1.
Think of a simple meal you have made recently. It should be something you enjoy making or eating. It could be as simple as a sandwich or a little more complicated like a samosa or a bowl of hummus. Write down all the ingredients.

Stage 2.
Take each of the ingredients in turn and write a description of each using the following senses in this order: touch, hearing (if you can), sight, smell, taste.

Stage 3.
Think about the points in making the meal where a significant change occurs. This could be when ingredients are combined or when they are heated. This could be as simple as spreading butter or margarine on bread or more complicated when ingredients change consistency in cooking. Write a sentence about the way in which each change occurs.  

Stage 4.
Now imagine someone who is not you making this meal while in the grip of an emotion - not a serious emotion but an everyday one like irritation, anticipation or contentment. Describe that person making the meal. Use some of the sensations you identified in stage 2 and focus on the changes you described in stage 3.

Stage 5.
Now imagine the character sitting down and eating the meal - and enjoying it. Use the five senses to convey that enjoyment. Write it down.

Stage 6.
Edit the account of the character you have written in stages 4 and 5. Cut out any words that tell the reader what the character is feeling. If necessary include actions that show the character's feelings. Write it down.

Is what you have written the beginning of a story, script or poem?


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