Writing Exercise 2 - renewed acquaintance

This writing exercise is about imagining the development of a relationship between two characters. One of the characters will be similar to you in ways that you choose.

Stage 1.
Think of (or invent) someone you met once or twice years ago. This should be someone you liked and who might have become a friend had you known one another. Start writing down what you can remember (or invent) about that person. Think about how they moved and the sort of things they said. What was their approach to life? 
Now imagine that person is writing a postcard to you after a gap of many years. What is the picture on the postcard? What does the person write? If you can, see if you can show something of their character in the way they write.

Stage 2.
Imagine a character with many of your own characteristics but three significant differences. Write down what those differences are. Write down three aspects of your character that are important and one that you want to exaggerate. Name the new character you have just created.
Now, using that new character, write a letter in response to the postcard in stage 1. You can include whatever information or news you like in the letter, which may be long or short. However the letter should suggest arrangements for a meeting or telephone call.

Stage 3.
Write, in any form (script, story or poem) an account of the meeting or telephone call.

Look back on what you have written and see if you want to develop it further. Try reading what you have written aloud, then edit your writing.

You are welcome to share any writing from this exercise in the comments below.
I hope you enjoy this writing exercise.


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