Writing Exercise 6: Keeping in Touch

This exercise is about letter-writing. It’s also a way of thinking about writing as a means of communication. You may find you want to send or email what you write.

Stage 1.
Think about someone you know and like who you would like to write to. This could take the form of a letter, an email or even a recording. 
What is it you like about this person?
What interests do you have in common?
What different interests does that person have?
Do you have some shared memories or experiences? Focus on things that worked out well.

Stage 2.
Look around the place where you are. Find two or three objects that might interest or delight the other person. Even a simple object would do.
Start by describing one of the objects. As you do, let your thoughts expand to ideas, memories and possibilities that the object suggests.
Write freely without editing. Let your thoughts lead you in any direction.
Do the same for the other object or objects.

Stage 3.
Look back over what you have written.
Underline or highlight everything that might interest the person you have in mind.

Stage 4.
Now begin your letter or email. Write an opening paragraph that is about the person you are writing to.
Say something very brief about yourself and why you are writing.
Continue by including paragraphs based on the writing you have done. Allow this to change and develop in any way you wish.
When you are ready, end the letter in the way you choose.

Edit the letter or email until you think it is ready to send or record.
Share it by sending it.


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